(One Juice to Feast Them All…)

 This is a Great Question!

As you can already tell, Juice Feasting is not one of those T.V. diet programs. Instead, Juice Feasting is highly individualized, and decades of experience have gone into its development to benefit you now, and for the rest of your life.

In case you missed them do check out these pages in the Prep Course:

+ Making Beautiful Juices
+ Grocery Shopping
+ Keeping Track (check the file for common recipes)

Deep Features and Surface Features

Juice Recipes on the Juice Feasting Program come down to Deep Features and Surface Features.

We have the Deep Features set up for everyone on how much juice to drink each Day, and how much Green Vegetable Juice vs. Fruit Juices, etc.  For example,everyone is drinking about 4 quarts of fresh juice each day, with 2 lbs of leafy greens, a head of celery, and a cucumber. Everyone can take that to the bank.

But each member of our Juice Feasting crew has very individual needs, or Surface Features that will be just right for them, and we cannot know these.

For example, we don’t know whether you are into kale, mustard greens, bok choy, carrots, ginger…. or not. And at what point during the Juice Feast these may come into favor for you is something only you can know as the Feast – and your healing – progresses. The permutations for what your body needs at each point in the cleanse – what your body or tastes are telling you to make – the permutations for juices are endless.

Over many years, we have found it optimal for the student to develop a relationship with the produce and their own body/mind through the making and drinking of juices and recipes they themselves have made – it also builds self-esteem and a positive sense of accomplishment and ownership of their own ability to heal, transform, and maintain their life.

It is important that everyone who Juice Feasts learns to tap into their own intuition – what their body is telling them they need – when they Juice Feast. Part of Juice Feasting is a healing of the mind/body split many of us have to a greater or lesser extent.

When you go to the grocery store, hit the produce section and ask your body what produce items it wants in the next few days… consider and look at everything. Pick up the scents of the produce. Suddenly, garlic may be your thing. Or lemon. Or a certain green will come on the menu.

Tapping in to what your body is telling you is very, very important for your healing, and your health over the course of your whole life.

Hence, after years of experience, we have not created a Daily Juice Menu for you, but the guiding deep features of what your juices should look like, and from there, the Juice Feast is yours, individualized to your unique needs from juice to juice all the way through!

Have a great Juice Feast, and enjoy establishing Juice Feasting as a Life Practice! See you in The Green Room!

Have an Incredible Juice Feast,


P.S. On what to drink each day during the Juice Feast, consult the Making Beautiful Juices portion of the Juice Feasting Preparation Course for detailed instructions on the Deep Features of your Juices, and what you will want to use to individualize your unique Juices.